October 2016 – Classical Performance Awards, Orpington Dance Festival!
Daluca once again attended the South East Classical Performance Awards for the third year on October 16th. Well done to Maria, Olivia, Libby, April-Laurena, Lois, Amelia, Mia and Zahra who qualified for the lower grades. Jenna and Grace who qualified for the higher grades and Bethan, Darcey and Jessica who qualified for the performers intermediate grades. All those who qualified performed beautifully!
Special mentions must go to Mia and Amelia who made it to the final 9 of the lower grades, and to Amelia who then went on to win the group! Libby also won the musicality and performance award for the junior section.
Jenna and Grace made it to the final 8 in the higher grades with Jenna being placed 2nd!
After a very tough class in the performance grades Darcey managed to make it to the final 5!
Congratulations to all!

Orpington Festival
We returned for the 10th year to compete at the Orpington Festival which once again was a success! A special mention must go to the New Mixed Age Classical Group who were placed first! Excellent work girls!